Plot Inspections

Plot Inspections will be taking place on Saturday 8th July 2023, please make sure your Plot number is visible for the Inspection Team.
For the plot holders that are not on our face book page, can you please not park outside the locked gates when coming to the allotment, other cars that are looking to park when going to Half Moon Bay see cars parked there could do the same. We know it is time consuming unlocking and closing the gate but it has to be done for now.
There are some Thrive Community Food summer 2023 magazines in the Community shed, please feel free to take one.
We are also about 4 weeks off judging for the Britain in Bloom, if anyone can help with the weeding round the raised beds, round the outside of the poly tunnel, where we park the cars and especially taking off the bindweed on the fence, Sue would be very grateful.