Plant Sale & Open Day
This year we are combining the Plant Sale with the Open Day on Sunday 12th June 2022 at 11.00 to 4 pm. This event brings funds into the allotment for equipment and maintenance of the site, so we are hoping all plot holders will support us and attend on the day.
We are having several stalls, crafts, cakes, tombola, the pizza oven will be lit for flat breads and pizzas, raffle. If any plot holders have any ideas for more stalls please let us know. We are looking for prizes for the raffle and tombola, there will be 2 boxes in the Community Shed for donations.
We are looking for volunteers to help with teas/coffees, they can always be split shifts if you are not available to stay the full day.
There will also be some posters in the shed if any plot holder can take some to advertise the event in shops etc. The more we advertise the event more people will attend.